Sunday, December 10, 2006

Project 2005 matrix stereo removal

I wanted to start this by talking about removal of my car stereo for an upgrade. It is ultra-simple, as you only need a few tools and about 10 minutes. Here's what it looks like when its removed.

Tools reqd:

  • phillips screwdriver

  • 10mm wrench

  • pliers

pry bezel
Use your fingers to pry off the bezel. Work around the bezel slowly. Pry off only a small portion at a time.

a little more..

a little more...

don't pull too hard, as there are wires connected to the back of the clock and other control buttons.

On the top, you'll see the cable for the clock.

Use your thumb to press down on the tab, which holds the connector in place. Then remove the connector.

Do the same for the other connectors as well. You can see me pressing with my thumb on the tab.

whalla. The bezel now is off.

gettin' there...

2 screws on the right.

remove the three screws using the 10mm driver

2 screws on the left. Note the white cable harness tab. use your pliers and pinch the tab holding it in place.

remove the final screw using the phillips screwdriver

and remove the stereo:

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